Healthy And Trusty
Soğanlık Yeni Mahalle, Muş Sokak, 8H/21 Kartal/İstanbul 7/24 +90 505 010 64 26

Inlays & Onlays


Many individuals have never heard of "inlays and onlays" or are unaware of their significance in dentistry.

The position on the tooth where these dental repairs are done gives them their names.


When a tooth is decaying or otherwise injured, we employ inlays and onlays as choices for rebuilding normal tooth structure at our clinics.

These are alternatives to a crown, which is a more radical procedure.

Inlays and onlays are manufactured in our CEREC 3D design and milling system and then cemented or bonded onto the tooth, unlike fillings that are mixed and put chairside. 


These restorations have advantages because, unlike traditional fillings, inlays and onlays do not compromise the tooth structure; instead, they strengthen the tooth by providing 50 to 75 percent greater biting force. Inlays are put within the tooth's cusp tips, whereas onlays frequently cover the full chewing surface, including one or more tooth cusps. A dental inlay is a more long-lasting option than a traditional filling. In addition, an inlay can be utilized to repair a tooth that is too damaged to sustain a filling but not badly enough to warrant a crown. By definition, an inlay must be put between the cusps on the chewing surface of the tooth.


Because the dentist creates a mold after the decay and damage are removed, and this mold is submitted to a lab for manufacturing, inlays are also referred to as "indirect fillings." We can fabricate your custom inlay right in our clinics in Istanbul, so you won't have to wait for a dental lab to complete it over a few days to two weeks.


Because our CEREC inlays are constructed of porcelain, they will last longer than amalgam or composite resin fillings. Inlays are less expensive than crowns when there is a lot of decay, and we don't have to remove as much of the healthy remaining tooth to install an inlay.